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Donations enable the FFPLTC to increase its capacity and advance our Mission and Vision, by continuing to meet the needs of our evolving community.
The FFPLTC encourages and appreciates all donations made by the public in the form of monetary and/or physical donations.
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Monetary Donations
- Income tax receipts will be provided by the Town of Fort Frances for monetary donations.
- Donations will not be taken into account when the FFPLTC sets its annual operating budget.
- Monetary donations will be placed in the appropriate account and the CEO will notify the FFPL Board at the earliest convenience.
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Donor Wishes and Recognition
- The FFPLTC will try to honour and accommodate the wishes of donors, and/or their trustees as to how monetary donations are allocated, on a case by case basis, taking into consideration the future needs and strategic direction of the FFPLTC.
- If the donor wishes to specify the use to which money is to be put, a special agreement with the FFPLTC is necessary at the time that the donation is made.
The FFPLTC will not accept only conditional donations.
The FFPLTC reserves the right to retain or dispose of donated material according to the needs of the FFPLTC. Once offered and accepted, donations become the property of the FFPLTC and cannot be returned to the donor.
- The FFPL Board and CEO reserve the right to determine the level of recognition applied to a donation.
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Donation of Print, Non-Print, and DVDs
The FFPLTC is pleased to accept gifts of print and non-print materials which can be integrated into existing collections and which fit collection development policies.
Classifications, shelving, access, location and disposal will be determined by the FFPLTC.
The FFPLTC reserves the right to dispose of gifts not added to its collection. The FFPLTC does not evaluate materials for tax receipt purposes.
The FFPLTC only accepts material in the condition that can be resold.
Criteria for Donated Items
If your materials do not meet the following criteria, please consider donating them to other non-profit organizations.
Material must be in very good condition and less than five years old
Historical material will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis
- The FFPLTC prefers popular fiction and nonfiction in hardcover, mass market and trade paperbacks
Any other material will not be accepted by FFPLTC Staff, including:
- Magazines
- Computer books
- Textbooks
- Encyclopedia
The FFPLTC cannot use:
- Moldy, yellowed or marked material
- Licensed software programs
- Audio cassettes
- Video cassettes