To provide a procurement process that will enable the FFPL Board to acquire the required quality and quantity of goods and services required for the best value, while ensuring an open, transparent competitive process.
This policy ensures compliance with the Municipal Act s.270(2).
The CEO shall be responsible for procurement activity within the prescribed budget.
Major deviations from the budget shall require Board approval.
Purchasing Methods
Purchases not exceeding $500
Purchases made pursuant to this section shall be made from the competitive market place whenever possible and may be made by using petty cash or purchase card.
All petty cash fund disbursements shall be evidenced by sales receipts.
Purchases over $500 but not exceeding $5,000
Purchases made pursuant to this section for the acquisition of goods and services shall be made from the competitive market place whenever possible and may be made using an approved invoice or purchase card.
Purchases over $5,000 but not exceeding $35,000
Purchases requiring the acquisition of goods, services or construction having a total acquisition costs between $5,000 and $35,000 may be made by using a purchase card or approved invoice subject to at least three written quotes without the necessity of advertising or formal tender procedures prior to ordering.
Purchases Exceeding $35,000
A request for tender shall be used for purchases exceeding $35,000 where the following criteria apply:
- Two or more sources are considered capable of supplying the requirement.
- The requirement is adequately defined to permit evaluation of tenders against clearly defined stated criteria.
Council must approve all tenders.
The Manager of Community Services shall provide a report to council with recommendations containing all pertinent information.
- The Procurement policy will comply with the Town of Fort Frances Procurement policy.